Disease Diagnostic Group – 2014 Open Minds

RAM (Rapid Assessment of Malaria) is a hand-held diagnostic tool that pairs a reusable, mechanical device with a plastic consumable and provides a malaria diagnosis in 1 minute with just 1 drop of blood for 1/10th the total cost of competitors at 100x the detection level. RAM utilizes malaria’s magnetic biomarker to offer a quantitative diagnosis. The device leverages its electronics to hook up to any phone or computer to store the diagnosis, map the disease, track consumable inventory, and provide a procurement mechanism for replenishing the consumables. This technology can detect an infection level that is below the point of being symptomatic, meaning it finally offers a test for the assymptomatic population, while still having the cost characteristics to become the universal method of malaria diagnosis. Disease Diagnostic Group are currently participating in Stage 2 of the E-Team program.