HMSolution – 2014 Open Minds

HMSolution is developing an iron-based water filtration system to remove arsenic and other heavy metals from groundwater, for homeowners who rely on private wells as a source of drinking water. Arsenic contamination in water is a major problem for regions of the United States (U.S.) and the rest of the world. Arsenic occurs in groundwater from natural geological formations, and can also be the result of agricultural and industrial activities. This colorless, tasteless and odorless chemical can lead to severe effects on human health such as cancer. HMSolution will target residential customers as its initial market in order to yield the most immediate revenue and validate our technology. Households are consuming hazardous water because current water filtration systems are too expensive to purchase and/or operate and require frequent maintenance that is not always followed. We solve this problem through our water filtration system that is easy and inexpensive to install, operate and maintain, does not require addition of chemicals, and costs a quarter of comparable filtration systems. These competitive advantages are possible due to the novel design of our system that results in constant in-situ generation of filtering media. HM Solution was recently accepted into Stage 2 of the E-Team program.