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mystartupXX: Empowering the next generation of female technology entrepreneurs

To address the lack of female participation in technology startups, UC San Diego’’s Rady School of Management and von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center at the Jacobs School of Engineering piloted the mystartupXX program (named for the female chromosome). Mentoring and business coaching is the most important part of the program. It is tailored to the needs of individual female participants and focused on guiding them through forming and leading a team (consisting of both male and female students), evaluating the business idea, obtaining market feedback, and developing a business model. Additionally, the teams receive $3,000 for prototype development. Since its launch, mystartupXX graduated seven female-led teams. Six graduates of the program have decided to launch a company, four females became CEOs and two became VP-level management team members. The startup companies continue to raise significant amounts of venture capital, launch products, generate revenues, and create jobs.

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