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Introducing Entrepreneurship Education in Undergraduate Programs at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Engineering education in Sweden has for a long time focused on theoretical, mathematical subjects, using traditional forms of teaching such as lectures, exercises and group assignments. During the fall of 2013 a new course was introduced to the undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation and using new methods of teaching. The course uses flipped classroom methods and has Facebook as its platform for assignments and discussions among students and teachers. Entrepreneurship and innovation was a subject only taught at graduate level previously, with the students’’ only previous experience being theoretical ways of evaluating solutions to problems in product development. The idea is to give the students something new but equally important for their future. The goal is to make this course an elective for all undergraduate students at the university, unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit of Swedish engineering students.

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