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Stanford-India Biodesign

Started in 2008, the Stanford-India Biodesign (SIB) fellowship is aimed at training the next generation of medical technology innovators in India. The SIB Program is administered as a collaboration between Stanford, IIT-Delhi, and AIIMS. The fellowship is directed towards Indian citizens who have an interest in the invention and development of new medical technologies. The first six months are spent at Stanford learning the Biodesign process; the following six months in India using the process to find and solve needs. Fellows work in a multidisciplinary team joining other innovators with a combination of engineering, medical and business backgrounds. Working closely with Stanford, AIIMS and IIT faculty, the teams invent, prototype, develop and patent one or more novel technologies. Now in its sixth year, the program has led to the formation of four India-based companies and the licensing of two additional products, one of which is already commercialized.

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