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Alex Zorychta

Alex Zorychta

University of Virginia

Alex Zorychta fell into student entrepreneurship after winning the grand prize of the 2012 UVA Entrepreneurship Cup with an idea for a low-resource bacterial detection test. While pursuing this project post-graduation for two years with the help of a Coulter Translational Research Grant, he helped to mentor another 15 student biotech projects, who won 2/5 of the total prize money offered in the 2014 Entrepreneurship Cup competition, and included the first and third overall prize winners. He is a founder of the College Startup Magazine, which aims to highlight student and alumni entrepreneurship stories at universities across the world. With three years of extensive experience in the student entrepreneurship scene at the University of Virginia, the University has brought him on to develop the community of projects at Works in Progress to support student entrepreneurs past the initial stages of their project.
