Encouraging Emerging Inventors: A new look at intellectual property and students
Students at the undergraduate and graduate level are becoming increasingly involved in the development of new technologies and the creation of intellectual property. Whether through the increase in hands-on, experiential innovation in the curriculum, the expansion of research experiences that put undergraduates in the research laboratory environment or the emergence of the dorm room inventor the need for new policies, practices and support systems for student originated intellectual property is an urgent priority for many campuses.
NCIIA, working together with the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) has developed a set of practices to provide a roadmap and guidance for university TTOs to establish effective policy for encouraging student inventors and promoting an environment of innovation in the sciences and engineering and arts. The panelists representing AUTM, and institutions large and small will discuss the changing nature of student invention and describe best practices for creating a successful culture of innovation that promotes entrepreneurial action while protecting the institution and the inventor.
Participants will take away a framework for improving the environment at your institution and an understanding of some emerging models for supporting student-driven invention and entrepreneurship.