OPEN Mini: First-Year Student Experience

Models of Invention and Innovation in the First-Year
Justin Henriques, James Madison University
Early exposure to innovation and invention education can increase the pipeline of student innovators. Learn and discuss how others are integrating and implementing invention and innovation education for first-year students.

Lessons Learned from the Classroom: A Pilot Program to Incorporate Design Thinking into a First-Year Engineering Course
Mary Raber, Michigan Technological University
Mary Fraley, Michigan Technological University

Magann Dykema, Michigan Technological University
We will share results and lessons learned from a pilot program to incorporate design thinking into the first-year engineering curriculum, supported by VentureWell’s Innovation and Invention Education for the First-Year Student grants program.

Creating Entrepreneurs in the First-Year Experience
Dale McCauley, Oregon State University
Jennifer Villalobos, Oregon State University
Why should students wait to have an entrepreneurial experience until they become upperclassmen? They shouldn’t and we are changing business education by bringing entrepreneurship and design thinking to the entirety of the first-year experience.


Justin Henriques, James Madison University
Mary Raber, Michigan Technological University
Mary Fraley, Michigan Technological University
Magann Dykema, Michigan Technological University
Dale McCauley, Oregon State University
Jennifer Villalobos, Oregon State University

Moderator: Keith Holland, James Madison University

Track: Building Innovation

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