eu bme-idea meeting 2018

barcelona, spain

EU BMEIDEA 2018 was held from June 12 to June 13 at the Payment Innovation Hub of Barcelona Tech City in Barcelona, Spain.

BME-IDEA was started in 2003 when a group of professors who were teaching design in a Biomedical Engineering department in Standford University realized that there were common needs among them that were not being met by current conference offerings.

The Symposium, organized by Biocat, will primarily be for the members of BME IDEA network in the US and EU. Attending will be free, but travel and accommodations will be at the participant’s own cost. The deadline for registration was  June 4.

d·HEALTH Barcelona, Biocat’s Postgraduate Program, will participate in the event with a presentation by Raquel Riera, Director of Moebio.

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