2016 bmeidea competition winners

Congratulations to the teams!

The FastCast team posing outdoors for a group photo

University of Tennessee Knoxville
First Prize
TREAT Prize Winner

The UT Knoxville team invented a pressure induced medical cast that overcomes problems associated with normal plaster casts.
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The Circulum team posing outdoors for a group photo

University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Second Prize

The SpecOp team invented a coil device that provides full circumferential support to the vaginal wall in order to prevent prolapse during medical procedures.
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Smartphone Stroke Rehabilitation
The Smartphone Stroke Rehabilitation team posing and displaying their invention

New York University
Third Prize

The NYU team created a modular wearable device that provides interactive rehabilitation of stroke-induced disabilities and tracks patient recovery progress.
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HONORABLE MENTION:  Point-of-Care Sepsis Diagnostic, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign



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