Real Teams, Real Tools, Real Value (and Real Fun!)

This workshop is for anyone teaching or coaching student project teams who seeks to help make satisfactory teams good and good teams great. Student groupwork often falls short of the teamwork exemplified by an ability to create and actually deliver real value. In response, we have adapted agile development methods to best serve our pedagogical goals around teaching teamwork and teaching our students to be effective inventors, entrepreneurs and innovators in both theory and practice. We have created a flexible suite of tools for teamwork and teaching teamwork. Having piloted with these tools across wildly different academic contexts at Olin, ASU and Bucknell, from 1-credit first year electives to 8-credit senior capstones, we are excited to share our tested tools and methods as well as lessons learned. Our aim is for every workshop participant to leave with activities, tips and tools they can immediately put to use on their campuses.


Lawrence Neeley, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Scott Shrake, Arizona State University
Charles Kim, Bucknell University

Track: Early Stage Innovators

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