We awarded 24 student teams over $240k in our summer 2017 cohort of the E-Team Student Grant Program.
The three-stage program is a competitive national program that provides training, peer networking, expert coaching, national recognition, and hands-on workshops for student teams working to commercialize their high-impact science and technology inventions.
This round of E-Teams are in the beginning and middle stages of the program. Sixteen teams are beginning Stage 1 and will receive a $5,000 grant, which includes attendance at a three-day workshop in Cambridge, Massachusetts in July to help them discover the best market for their inventions. Eight teams are advancing from Stage 1 to Stage 2 and will receive a $20,000 grant, which includes attendance at a three-day workshop in Cambridge, Massachusetts in August to help teams develop and validate their business models.
The 24 new grantees include:
Fuel Sensor (Oregon State University) – The FUEL (Fuel, Usage, and Emissions Logger) System provides accessible and accurate data of biomass cookstoves by remotely monitoring the daily use frequency and fuel consumption of household cooking devices.
TX2O (Texas State University) – TX2O has developed a revolutionary eco-friendly technology that significantly reduces costs and contingent environmental liabilities for oil producers.
Ithemba (Johns Hopkins University) – Ithemba’s device is a novel sterile-yet-reusable core needle biopsy that enables providers to offer biopsies at low cost while minimizing the risk of contamination.
about e-team student grant program
The E-Team Student Grant Program targets students with an idea or invention that could potentially solve a real world, social need. Over the past 20 years, more than 699 grants have been given through VentureWell in order to help teams move ideas out of the lab and into the market. Learn more about our E-Team Program here.
View this summer’s Stage 1 and Stage 2 E-Teams!