frontier set april 2019 newsletter

In This Issue:

  • Letter from the Editors
  • Webinar: Mapping Data Indicators to Specific Initiatives 
  • Virtual Table Talk: Data Decisions: Broaden the Conversation and Increase Your Impact
  • Reminders & News

Data, Data Everywhere . . . but now what? Your NSC PDP data has been submitted, your quarterly dashboard/ITA updates are completed, your institution is probably finalizing budget allocations for the next year – how have you leveraged data to set your goals and priorities? How are you planning to measure the results of your work, and are you quite confident that your initiatives will move the dial on the gaps you want to address?

Both our webinar and table talk for April will highlight different sites with different approaches to the process of interpreting data and setting a course of action. One size doesn’t fit all . . . join us, and tell us about your own experiences!

Also note, on the FS Community Platform you will find a comprehensive reporting-out of the Annual Convening; slide decks are posted (in agenda order), as are notes from any sessions where they were centrally taken. Watch the quick highlights video (at the start of that document) for a taste of the action!


KD, Gila, Jerry, Lisa, and Victoria


Title: Mapping Data Indicators to Specific Initiatives
Date: Thursday, April 25 at 1:00pm ET
Hosts: Lisa Dunning and Kimberley Sudler, Delaware State University and Melissa Welker, Northern Arizona University
Target Audience: Any Frontier Set members involved in the collection and analysis of data, and the determination of approaches to address stubborn gaps in student attainment and success.

We all collect data – for NSC, for Frontier Set, for internal and external reporting systems – but how can we use the data to generate impactful solutions? Data is no longer the purview of a select few. IR and IT staff join with student success practitioners, budget planners, and senior level officials to set priorities and propose initiatives to move the dial on specific performance indicators. How can the close tracking of data enable you to be proactive, rather than reactive, in your work to improve student attainment

Hear from Frontier Set colleagues about how they have mapped their data to student success solutions and initiatives, often for specific sub-populations of students. How does one set a hypothesis and action plan from data?And what kind of activities will generate the most dramatic changes in the metrics? Questions and challenges abound . . . join us to learn more and share your experiences.

Register Here

Virtual Table Talk

Title: Data Decisions: Broaden the Conversation and Increase the Impact
Date: Tuesday, April 30 at 3:00pm ET
Hosts: Jeff Boudouris and Kathleen Cleary, Sinclair Community College and Charlie Andrews, Florida International University
Target Audience: Any Frontier Set members involved in the collection and analysis of data, the determination of approaches to address stubborn attainment gaps, and the setting of budget to boost student success.

Frontier Set sites are awash in data, but who looks at it and how are is it deployed to set direction and make budgetary decisions? Join Florida International University and Sinclair Community College to discuss ways to broaden the conversation around data and establish financial processes that empower budget managers to ensure that spending is aligned with strategic priorities and hitting anticipated performance metrics.

Tables Talks include ample time for active exchange between and among presenters and participants, so bring your questions and experiences to share with your Frontier Set colleagues.

Register Here


Reminders & News

Frontier Set Platform
Log into the Frontier Set Community Platform if you haven’t already! In addition to the general Frontier Set group, you may join additional groups targeting specific content areas, or Learning Community groups that are starting now. For a basic explanation of Learning Communities, check out the video here, taken from February’s Table Talk.

Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP)
Important dates from our partners at NSC:

  • April 5: NSC will provide instructions on what to expect and how to access the dashboard
  • April 15: Beta release of the Post-Secondary Data Partnership Dashboards

The PDP website will be updated and will include new information about the dashboards including FAQs, benefits, and training videos.

Frontier Set Annual Convening
Leveraging Connection: Frontier Set Annual Convening 2019 is behind us, but the value lives on! You’ll find a wealth of ideas and possible connections to be mined on the Platform, here.

In the News
We rounded up some articles and references from this past month that highlight Frontier Set sites:


To review past newsletters, click here.

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