Encouraged by the business strategy experts leading the workshop, the team began to think beyond the options they had previously considered.
For Dr. Amy Webb-Girard, Xcelerator transformed her vision of the knowledge her students in public heath and nutrition need in order to have a greater impact beyond the university.
The resources and planning tools used in Xcelerator extend beyond application to specific projects, with the potential to transform how organizations function to bolster sustainable global change.
There is an ongoing sanitation crisis in the developing world. Inadequate sewage disposal and overflowing latrines are a serious public health concern across the globe.
We spoke with faculty and administrators from across the country with decades of experience integrating I&E into engineering education on their campuses.
Download activities for teaching innovation developed at the Ideas at Play workshop at the 2015 VentureWell conference.
Bias in STEM impedes technology commercialization path for women faculty.
VentureWell’s 8th Xcelerator program was held in Malawi to strengthen innovations to save lives at birth.
Greenlight Planet has leveraged 6,000 micro-entrepreneurs who are earning a steady income by selling the company’s solar lights in their own communities, illuminating their neighbor’s homes.
Ecovative Design is producing materials that are healthier for people, the planet, and profits. Watch the video and experience the Ecovative story.
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