The founders of medtech startup T33 Dental explain how they prioritized developing a sustainable company from the earliest stages, and how other entrepreneurs can do…
Just over a year ago, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) launched the Investor Catalyst (IC) Hub as part of ARPANET-H—a nationwide health innovation network.
VentureWell Vice President, Ventures, Christina Tamer recaps her trip to Climate Week NYC 2024, where she explored pathways to market for transformative sustainability technologies.
Kendra Batchelder, cofounder of WAVED Medical, explains how the Qualcomm Innovator Stipend Program helped pay for legal fees associated with securing rights to intellectual property.
Angel Teagle was a student at Elizabeth City State University with an idea that would become Car Seat Companion. An ecosystem of resources helped him grow into an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurs whose innovations have been funded by the American-Made Solar Prize and the JEDI Contest and a mentor who worked closely with applicants share their insights into the competition and its benefits.
Monique Dyers, founder and CEO of EmpowerSun Solutions, shares her experiences with being a finalist for the American-Made Solar Prize Round 7 and winner of the JEDI Contest.
Through the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) workshop series, funded by the National Science Foundation, social scientists collaborated with entrepreneurship educators to bridge the gap…
With the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) workshop series, educators offer classroom techniques to develop problem-solving skills.
Through the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) workshop series, social scientists offer research-based insights and classroom techniques to improve critical thinking.
In honor of World Intellectual Property Day, we put together a quick-reference guide on the role IP rights play in innovation and entrepreneurship.
José Lugo and Mari Luz Zapata Ramos of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez share how VentureWell funding helped in expanding their entrepreneurship course.
ReJoule won our 2024 Sustainable Practice Impact Award for its circular economy for lithium-ion electric vehicle (EV) batteries.
These research-based tactics can help you motivate student entrepreneurs to get engaged and make a real-world difference.
Teaching communication is part of teaching teamwork is part of teaching entrepreneurship. These techniques are based in academic research.
A transformative part of the Aspire program is the networking, peer-to-peer learning, guidance, and expertise participants receive from working directly with mentors.
Attendees of the Deshpande Symposium identified four key reasons why they found the conference so valuable to their work in higher education innovation and entrepreneurship.
Max Derbyshire, COO of Acorn Genetics, shares how the E-Team Program and the Aspire investor-engagement program advanced his innovation.
Evan Haas and Antony Fuleihan, CEO and CFO of CurveAssure, describe how Qualcomm’s Innovator Stipend Program helped in allowing them to file their first provisional patent.
Still considering whether you might attend OPEN this year? Here’s what you missed at OPEN 2023.
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