bme-idea meeting 2011

hartford, ct

October 12, 2011

Invitation | Agenda | Registration | Attending Institutions

The Alliance met during the Fall BMES meeting of 2011 held in Hartford, Connecticut.


To BME Department Chairs:

We would like to invite you to join us for the 8th meeting of BME-IDEA (Biomedical Engineering Innovation, Design & Entrepreneurship Alliance).

Over the past decade BME-IDEA has grown to include over 95 university programs with a focus on teaching and mentoring of innovation and entrepreneurship in biomedical engineering.

This year’s meeting will be held on October 12, 2011 in Hartford, CT, as a pre-conference workshop the day before the Annual Meeting of BMES. Featured sessions will include:

  • Program snapshots: examples of emerging and best practice in three areas of interest (please indicate your interest in presenting on this panel on the online registration form)
    • Clinical & Global immersion in team based design
    • Navigating IP for student projects
    • Facilitating translation/commercialization of student projects
  • The new reality for medtech innovation: Panel of venture, small and large company leaders will survey the current medtech environment—and the implications for the training of biomedical engineers.
  • Student innovators: select student venture leaders reflect on their experience commercializing innovations from an academic environment.
  • Hands-on session on reducing costs in BME development: Working session to identify approaches to affordability in product design (it’s not just for the developing world!)

*Invitations to BME-IDEA are limited to one faculty member per program. If you are not able to attend as chair, we encourage you to designate the appropriate faculty member from your department.

BME IDEA Conference Planning Committee:

Amy Lerner, University of Rochester
Paul Yock, Stanford University
Jack Linehan, Northwestern University
Maria Oden, Rice University
Nicolas A Peppas, University of Texas, Austin
Don Peterson, University of Connecticut
Christine Kurihara, Stanford University
Phil Weilerstein, NCIIA

2011 BME-IDEA Workshop Agenda
Marriott Hartford Downtown
Hartford, CT
October 12, 2011

10/12/11 BME-IDEA Workshop Agenda Marriott Hartford Downtown
7:30am Breakfast and Workshop Registration: Pick up nametags and program booklets
8:00am Fostering Innovation – Providing Experiences and an Environment for Creative and Innovative Design
Paul Yock, Stanford University; Jack Linehan, Northwestern UniversityMini panels will present highlights of emerging and best practice in three areas of interest. Panels will include:

    1. Clinical Immersion – moderator: Paul Yock
      Amy Lerner, University of Rochester
      Michele Grimm, Wayne State University
      Jay Goldberg, Marquette University
      Andrew DiMeo, North Carolina State University
      Soumyadipta Acharya, Johns Hopkins University
    2. Translation and Commercialization – moderator: Jack Linehan
      Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan
      Franklin Bost, Georgia Institute of Technology
      Brian Pogue, Dartmouth University
      Tim McGloughlin, University of Limerick
      Colin Drummond, Case Western University
    3. Global Immersion – moderator: Don Peterson
      Maria Oden, Rice University
      Kathleen Sienko, University of Michigan
      Paul Yock, Stanford University
      Bob Malkin, Duke University
      Elizabeth Hillman/Aaron Kyle, Columbia University
10:15am Break
10:45am Panel: The New Reality for Medtech Innovation and Commercialization
Jack Linehan, Northwestern University
Paul Yock, Stanford UniversityPanelists:
Susan Morano, Johnson & Johnson
Dan Cole, Spray Venture Partners
Gregory Lambrecht, Intrinsic Orthopedics
Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein, Technology and Innovation Center for Devices and Radiological Health, FDA
LUNCH Ballroom C
12:00pm Networking Lunch
1:15pm Panel: NIBIB’s Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25) Recipients Ballroom DE
This panel discussion will introduce the NIH/NIBIB’s Program for Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education. After an overview from the NIH Program Officer describing the program characteristics and goals, we will hear from faculty involved in three of the recently awarded institutions. Each program will present the specific goals of design education made possible with NIBIB funding, including clinical immersion programs, integrations with graduate programs and multidisciplinary approaches. Panelists will then engage with questions and comments from the BME-IDEA design community about future direction of the program.Moderator:
Amy L. Lerner
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of RochesterPanelists:
Zeynep Erim, PhD, NIH/NIBIB Division of Interdisciplinary Training
George Truskey, PhD, R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Research, Duke University
Jay Goldberg, Ph.D., P.E. Director, Healthcare Technologies Management Program, Lafferty Professor of Engineering and Associate Professor of the Biomedical Engineering Department, Marquette University
Jonathan van de Geest, Assistant Professor University of Arizona
2:30pm Hands-on Session: Reducing Costs in BME Development: it’s not just for the developing world
Christine Kurihara
Amy LernerPresenters:
Youseph Yazdi
Soumyadipta AcharyaThis hands-on mini-workshop will focus on cost reduction as a design skill set. After the presentation of an illuminating case study, participants will break into groups to analyze, deconstruct and redesign some common medical devices with an eye toward innovative approaches to cost reduction.
4:15pm Wrap Up
4:30pm Reception Capital 2-3
5:30 pm End of Meeting

October 13, 2011 at BMES
Connecticut Convention Center

10/13/11 BMES MEETING PARTICIPATION Connecticut Convention Center
10:30 AM Session V: Education and Promotion of Translational Biomedical Engineering ISession Theme – Entrepreneurship and Product Development in Biomedical Engineering Programs

This session will feature a lively panel of faculty who lead BME programs and courses that have created environments that provide substantial experiential learning opportunities to support student engagement in translation and commercialization of biomedical innovations. Panelists will discuss emerging best practices in innovation, design, technology transfer and entrepreneurship in biomedical engineering education.

Paul Yock,
Martha Meier Weiland Professor of Medicine and Director of Biodesign

Maria Oden, Rice University
Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan
Andrew DiMeo, UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering
YousephYazdi, Johns Hopkins University

1:30 PM Session VI: Education and Promotion of Translational Biomedical Engineering II

Session Theme – Student engagement in Translation and CommercializationA panel of student innovators who launched technologies and products will discuss the process of translating research innovations to commercially viable products and businesses as university students. Speakers will include BMEidea competition award winning innovators and others who led the translation of breakthrough technologies to successful commercial outcomes. Speakers will address the development of research based ideas from science to commercially viable innovations with impact on healthcare delivery, the personal development that they experienced in doing so and the factors in the educational environment that supported their success.Gerard L. Coté, Texas A&M
Matthew Callaghan, Stanford University
Brian Mullen
Thursday 7/13 7pm BME Idea awards will be presented at BMES

Attending Institutions

Arizona State University
BME Career Alliance
Boston University
Brighton Consulting Group
Bucknell University
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Catholic University of America
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Columbia University
Dartmouth University
Duke University
Fairfield University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Food & Drug Administration/Center for Devices and Radiologic Health (FDA/CDRH)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Harvard University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Johns Hopkins University
Louisiana Technological University
Marquette University
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Michigan Technological University
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University
Northwestern University
Ohio State University
Oxford University
Pennsylvania State University
Ratafia Ventures
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rice University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Stanford University
Stevens Institute of Technology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Arizona
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of California, San Diego
University of Cincinnati
University of Connecticut
University of Florida
University of Iowa
University of Limerick
University of Maryland
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
University of Texas, Austin
University of Utah
University of Virginia
Vanderbilt University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Washington University
Wayne State University
Western New England University
Witchita State University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Wright State University
Yale University


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