open 2017 paper writing guidelines

We encourage presenters to submit a paper for review and possible publication in the conference proceedings. The papers will be converted into PDFs made available for download through the conference website; see our 2016 papers for examples.

Publishing schedule

  • Deadline for submission of FIRST draft: January 10, 2017
  • Peer review completed and accept/reject notices sent out: January 30, 2017
  • Author revision period for accepted papers: 1/30-2/10
  • Completed papers due: February 10, 2017


Please read the following carefully. Papers that do not adhere to these guidelines may not be reviewed for the proceedings.

Upload your paper through the VentureWell conference tool, in Word. Make sure the file is .doc, not .docx. Limit your paper to 5,000 words (including references, footnotes, appendices), double-spaced, in 12-point Times font.

Please adhere to the following paper structure:

a. Title (include paper name, and the name and institution of each author)
b. Abstract (150 words or less)
c. Introduction (statement and summary of project or concept)
d. Body (further details about the project or concept, including explanation, examples, anecdotes)
e. Conclusion (final statement of findings)
f. References, footnotes, and appendices (included in 5,000 word limit). References and footnotes should follow the Chicago Manual of Style’s “author-date system.” Examples are available online at the Chicago Manual of Style website ( Use appendices only if key to understanding the content.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Norton at

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