VentureWell is proud to announce the publication of its annual Year in Review for the 2023 calendar year. The publication highlights key accomplishments from the organization’s collective efforts to cultivate a pipeline of inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs driven to solve the world’s biggest challenges.
“2023 was a year of forward motion for VentureWell,” said VentureWell President and CEO Phil Weilerstein. “We expanded our programming, forged exciting new partnerships, invested in talented and diverse innovators, and much more.”
The Year in Review showcases some of VentureWell’s major achievements from 2023, including being selected as a grand prize winner for the U.S. Department of Energy’s EPIC Prize Round 2, convening hundreds of industry leaders at our annual OPEN conference and the Deshpande Symposium, and receiving a record-breaking number of Course & Program Grants proposals, among other accomplishments.
To view VentureWell’s 2023 Year in Review, visit https://venturewell.org/venturewell-2023-year-in-review.