Ascend Energy & Mobility Accelerator FAQs

What type of energy & mobility technology are you seeking?

VentureWell will select 10 energy & mobility startups based in Michigan. Startups should be pre-seed stage and have completed some work on customer discovery and product-market fit.

If I’m still working to bring on a co-founder, am I eligible?

Solo operators generally don’t fit our program. Even solo founders often engage strategic consultants for technology or business development. Startups require diverse skill sets—more than one person can offer.

How many hours of participation in the program are required?

About 5 hours per week for the online portion of the program; this includes 2 hours of cohort-based programming, 1-2 hours of customer discovery, and 1-2 hours of independent work. We believe that the more you put into the program, the more you’ll get out of it!

Who are the mentors?

The mentors have backgrounds and experience as founders and industry partners in the energy & mobility sectors.

  • Erika Block, Lead Instructor; Investor, Advisor, and Entrepreneur, Sticky Lab; Lecturer, University of Michigan College of Engineering’s Center for Entrepreneurship
  • Shubha Chakravarthy, Mentor-in-Residence; Founder, Finance and Strategy Expert
  • Brian Kerns, Mentor-in-Residence; Angel Investor and Cleantech Advisor, SWAN Angels and Angel Capital Association
  • Anne Maghas, Mentor-in-Residence; Angel Investor and Entrepreneur, Milestone Growth Capital Institute
  • Domineca Neal, Mentor-in-Residence; Angel Investor, Founder, 3 Brothers Neal LLC
  • C.J. Whelan, Mentor-in-Residence; Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor; former Executive Director, Rockies Venture Club
  • DeWayne Williams, Mentor-in-Residence; Angel Investor and Connectivity Expert in Mobility

Will I have access to work materials?

Yes, all participants will have access to work materials.

Could you give me an overview of the topics we’ll cover?

Here’s a look at the program, which will help you prepare your business model for due diligence:

  • Due diligence
    • Deep dive into the due diligence process
    • The ideal pitch deck
  • Milestone planning
    • Corporate partnerships and strategic selling
    • Economic value proposition and technology development
  • Resources
    • Financing options
    • Financial projections
    • Introduction to investor discovery

Are there other program-related costs for the startups?

Yes, you are responsible for your own travel to Detroit, Michigan, as well as accommodation costs while attending the in-person portion of the workshop (October 23-24, 2024).

What are the qualities of a successful application?

Strong candidates will have successfully validated product market-fit, tested initial business model hypotheses, and have made a full-time commitment to their startup.

I haven’t participated in past VentureWell E-Team programs / I am new to VentureWell. Can I still participate?

Yes! While many VentureWell E-Teams do advance through our suite of programs, this program is open to startups that haven’t yet taken part in VentureWell programming.

I have questions about the program and our eligibility. Who should I contact?

Email Sarah Wharmby, program officer.

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