Poverty alleviation

VentureWell identifies and supports STEM student innovators as they move from initial idea to raising their first seed round. Each year, we make a select number of investments in alumni startups from our E-Team program. We offer matching seed stage funding to startups that have secured a sophisticated lead investor and can illustrate the impact of their solution and clear growth through their VentureWell experience. We make these investments through a donor-advised fund at ImpactAssets.

Green Energy Storage Technology (GEST) Moveable Grid

A battery unit designed for use in Haiti that can be charged from either 220 V sources or direct current sources

HiComm LLC

A communication platform that links service partners to communities-in-need around the world


A portable, low-cost device that produces life-saving MANA food paste on-site for starving and malnourished children

Promethean Power Systems

Preserving perishable foods in some of the world’s most challenging conditions

SolVia Solar

A solar drip irrigation system for small-plot farmers


A text-messaging platform to improve communication between the homeless and near-homeless served by social service providers

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