Frequently Asked Questions

Where and when will OPEN take place?

OPEN 2025 will take place in March 2025. We have not released the location or specific dates yet. Sign up to receive updates about the OPEN 2025 conference, including details on registration launch, schedule release, special events, and more!

How do I register for OPEN?

Registration for OPEN 2025 will launch in late fall 2024. Register early for significant savings on your conference ticket!

What are the registration fees for OPEN 2025? Can you tell me more about each type of pass?

2025 pricing has not been released yet. In an effort to make OPEN accessible to the widest audience possible, we will be offering multiple registration options, including group, individual, presenter, and student tickets. Register early to save!

Where can I view the OPEN 2025 schedule?

The OPEN 2025 schedule will be released in January 2025. View the 2024 schedule to get a sense of the content and speakers to expect in 2025.

What OPEN 2025 sponsorship opportunities are available?

Sponsors of OPEN 2025 will engage with an influential group of campus leaders who are supporting the next generation of student innovators. As a sponsor of the conference, you will engage with a driven, dynamic, and diverse group of educators and leaders who are fostering the next generation of inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

View more information.

I have a great idea for a session! How can I submit a proposal and what’s the deadline?

The Call for Proposals for OPEN 2025 will launch in the fall of 2024.

What do your sustainability efforts for OPEN look like?

We encourage all attendees to bring their own reusable water bottle to the event, as well as carpool with colleagues whenever possible (i.e., to/from the airport, to/from restaurants, etc.). Packing light is also strongly recommended. All participants will be directed to return their conference name badge at the end of the event so that we can sanitize and reuse them for future events. Single-use plastics are limited throughout the conference, and swag given out is sourced from recyclable materials when possible. Branded collateral is thoughtfully sourced and reused to limit our carbon footprint. No program guides will be printed; all attendees will be encouraged to use our conference app, Whova. With each event, we continue to strive for increased sustainability efforts.

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